5th Annual Run For Wayne

Wayne A. Burlison Colon Cancer Awareness 3.17 Miles

Albion, NY
March 23, 2019

Results Data Courtesy of:  WNYFLTS
Overall Finish Order    Men - Age Groups      Women - Age Groups      Age Graded Overall
Place  Name                     Time      Pace         InGroup      InSex    AGtime   AGpct     Bib# 
    1. Joel Nowatchik           0:18:28  0:05:50     1/M40-49        1/M    0:17:22  74.76%   63    
    2. Mark Nichols             0:21:04  0:06:39     2/M40-49        2/M    0:19:49  65.54%   16    
    3. Abigail Sortore          0:21:07  0:06:40     1/F20-29        1/F    0:21:07  69.93%   400   
    4. Linda Morici             0:21:25  0:06:45     1/F30-39        2/F    0:21:20  69.23%   413   
    5. Todd Arnold              0:22:25  0:07:04     1/M50-59        3/M    0:19:35  66.31%   84    
    6. Brett Sobieraski         0:22:52  0:07:13     2/M50-59        4/M    0:19:49  65.51%   55    
    7. Arian Cayea              0:22:59  0:07:15     1/M1-14         5/M    0:21:48  59.58%   91    
    8. Alex Hoffman             0:23:14  0:07:20     1/M15-19        6/M    0:22:46  57.01%   42    
    9. Joseph Nettles           0:23:27  0:07:24     2/M15-19        7/M    0:22:39  57.30%   23    
   10. Sabrina Quiros           0:23:30  0:07:25     1/F15-19        3/F    0:22:22  66.01%   60    
   11. Jose Quiros              0:23:31  0:07:25     3/M40-49        8/M    0:22:07  58.71%   61    
   12. Richard Russell          0:23:36  0:07:27     3/M50-59        9/M    0:20:18  63.97%   421   
   13. Nate Birnbaum            0:23:38  0:07:27     1/M20-29       10/M    0:23:38  54.94%   415   
   14. Brett Rogers             0:23:55  0:07:33     2/M20-29       11/M    0:23:55  54.29%   92    
   15. Alexander Pierce         0:23:56  0:07:33     3/M20-29       12/M    0:23:56  54.25%   89    
   16. Duane Johnson            0:23:56  0:07:33     4/M40-49       13/M    0:22:40  57.28%   43    
   17. Vincent D'Agostino       0:24:17  0:07:40     2/M1-14        14/M    0:21:08  61.44%   57    
   18. Stan Jennings            0:24:19  0:07:40     4/M50-59       15/M    0:21:05  61.60%   409   
   19. Juan Quinones-Perryman   0:24:35  0:07:45     3/M15-19       16/M    0:24:23  53.23%   38    
   20. Brenndon Wolsky          0:24:39  0:07:47     4/M15-19       17/M    0:24:27  53.08%   40    
   21. Bert Gallmon             0:25:05  0:07:55     5/M40-49       18/M    0:23:35  55.04%   2     
   22. Mollie Mark              0:25:22  0:08:00     1/F40-49        4/F    0:24:42  59.80%   67    
   23. Jason Smith              0:25:24  0:08:01     6/M40-49       19/M    0:22:52  56.78%   7     
   24. Vinny Antinore           0:25:34  0:08:04     1/M30-39       20/M    0:25:26  51.05%   90    
   25. Wesley Bedford           0:26:00  0:08:12     2/M30-39       21/M    0:25:27  51.01%   64    
   26. Tom Rivers               0:26:08  0:08:15     7/M40-49       22/M    0:24:03  53.98%   407   
   27. Scott Bylewski           0:26:12  0:08:16     8/M40-49       23/M    0:23:35  55.05%   52    
   28. Bob Pastecki             0:26:15  0:08:17     9/M40-49       24/M    0:23:48  54.54%   11    
   29. Kelly Roberts            0:26:25  0:08:20     2/F40-49        5/F    0:23:52  61.88%   71    
   30. Evan Kalpin              0:26:54  0:08:29     3/M30-39       25/M    0:26:11  49.58%   100   
   31. Arianna Smith            0:26:56  0:08:30     2/F20-29        6/F    0:26:56  54.83%   73    
   32. Noah Wadhams             0:27:03  0:08:32     5/M15-19       26/M    0:27:02  48.02%   54    
   33. Julie D'Agostino         0:27:04  0:08:32     3/F40-49        7/F    0:26:02  56.74%   58    
   34. Chris Mathews            0:27:15  0:08:36    10/M40-49       27/M    0:24:43  52.54%   401   
   35. Heather Burger           0:27:20  0:08:37     2/F30-39        8/F    0:26:45  55.21%   48    
   36. Christopher Nettles      0:27:22  0:08:38     3/M1-14        28/M    0:24:38  52.70%   22    
   37. Zeke Given               0:27:26  0:08:39     4/M20-29       29/M    0:27:26  47.34%   51    
   38. Anthony Wiechec          0:27:30  0:08:41    11/M40-49       30/M    0:25:07  51.68%   96    
   39. Michelle Restivo         0:27:31  0:08:41     3/F30-39        9/F    0:26:56  54.84%   410   
   40. Kellie Gregoire          0:27:41  0:08:44     1/F50-59       10/F    0:24:28  60.34%   15    
   41. Benjamin Roth            0:28:00  0:08:50     4/M30-39       31/M    0:27:15  47.64%   47    
   42. Katelynne Klossner       0:28:00  0:08:50     3/F20-29       11/F    0:28:00  52.74%   94    
   43. Emily Catanzarite        0:28:04  0:08:51     4/F20-29       12/F    0:28:04  52.61%   76    
   44. Adam Uderitz             0:28:05  0:08:52    12/M40-49       32/M    0:26:02  49.87%   4     
   45. Thomas Nettles           0:28:05  0:08:52    13/M40-49       33/M    0:25:28  50.98%   24    
   46. Madison Williams         0:28:06  0:08:52     2/F15-19       13/F    0:27:59  52.76%   97    
   47. Dakota Alexander         0:28:06  0:08:52     3/F15-19       14/F    0:26:45  55.20%   87    
   48. FaithAnn Vanderwalker    0:28:08  0:08:52     4/F15-19       15/F    0:26:47  55.13%   402   
   49. Wayne McCullough         0:28:13  0:08:54     5/M50-59       34/M    0:23:42  54.78%   81    
   50. Pam Nudd                 0:28:45  0:09:04     2/F50-59       16/F    0:23:28  62.94%   75    
   51. Scott Krieger            0:29:18  0:09:15    14/M40-49       35/M    0:26:11  49.59%   422   
   52. Todd Vanderwalker        0:29:28  0:09:18     5/M30-39       36/M    0:28:30  45.56%   403   
   53. Mark Gregoire            0:29:37  0:09:21     6/M50-59       37/M    0:24:41  52.61%   14    
   54. Lexie Gerhardy           0:30:06  0:09:30     5/F20-29       17/F    0:30:06  49.06%   95    
   55. Jake Goodenbury          0:30:27  0:09:36     5/M20-29       38/M    0:30:27  42.64%   79    
   56. Troy Taladay             0:30:28  0:09:37     6/M20-29       39/M    0:30:28  42.61%   93    
   57. Bob Dyjak                0:30:49  0:09:43     1/M60-69       40/M    0:23:49  54.51%   66    
   58. Meganne Moore            0:31:08  0:09:49     1/F1-14        18/F    0:27:53  52.95%   44    
   59. Ryan Smith               0:31:28  0:09:56     7/M20-29       41/M    0:31:28  41.26%   35    
   60. Chris Hess               0:31:40  0:09:59    15/M40-49       42/M    0:28:43  45.21%   34    
   61. Andrea Benz              0:31:46  0:10:01     5/F15-19       19/F    0:30:15  48.83%   82    
   62. Matthew Parker           0:31:58  0:10:05    16/M40-49       43/M    0:29:25  44.13%   423   
   63. Nicholas Elias           0:32:10  0:10:09     6/M30-39       44/M    0:30:41  42.32%   404   
   64. Katherine Jurs           0:32:31  0:10:15     4/F30-39       20/F    0:32:06  46.01%   21    
   65. Christina Alexander      0:32:33  0:10:16     4/F40-49       21/F    0:31:05  47.51%   86    
   66. Dana Bolton              0:32:42  0:10:19     5/F40-49       22/F    0:31:27  46.96%   72    
   67. Guin Schalck             0:32:56  0:10:23     6/F15-19       23/F    0:32:24  45.57%   98    
   68. Jessica Gallmon          0:32:58  0:10:24     5/F30-39       24/F    0:32:15  45.78%   1     
   69. Lindsay Smith            0:33:10  0:10:28     6/F30-39       25/F    0:33:08  44.57%   85    
   70. David Good               0:33:12  0:10:28    17/M40-49       45/M    0:30:07  43.12%   77    
   71. Megan Smith              0:33:37  0:10:36     7/F15-19       26/F    0:32:32  45.38%   5     
   72. Bill White               0:33:41  0:10:38     1/M70-99       46/M    0:22:30  57.70%   56    
   73. Nolan Covey              0:33:44  0:10:38     4/M1-14        47/M    0:28:12  46.03%   406   
   74. Adam Covey               0:33:46  0:10:39     7/M30-39       48/M    0:32:26  40.03%   405   
   75. Ginny Hoffman            0:33:48  0:10:40     6/F40-49       27/F    0:31:46  46.49%   114   
   76. Randy Klossner           0:33:49  0:10:40    18/M40-49       49/M    0:29:59  43.29%   88    
   77. Kimberly Oliver          0:33:51  0:10:41     7/F30-39       28/F    0:33:46  43.72%   50    
   78. Matthew Smith            0:34:03  0:10:44     5/M1-14        50/M    0:32:17  40.21%   6     
   79. Mac Mackenzie            0:35:14  0:11:07     1/F70-99       29/F    0:22:56  64.39%   59    
   80. Bruce Rychwalski         0:35:37  0:11:14     2/M60-69       51/M    0:26:46  48.51%   27    
   81. Steven Lalonde           0:35:45  0:11:17     3/M60-69       52/M    0:28:50  45.04%   10    
   82. Lewanne Nettles          0:36:03  0:11:22     7/F40-49       30/F    0:34:10  43.23%   25    
   83. Megan Houseman           0:36:07  0:11:24     8/F30-39       31/F    0:35:47  41.27%   12    
   84. Jill Newman              0:36:09  0:11:24     9/F30-39       32/F    0:35:55  41.12%   13    
   85. Douglas Ralph            0:36:24  0:11:29     4/M60-69       53/M    0:28:52  44.98%   19    
   86. Sharon Gruttadauro       0:36:58  0:11:40     8/F40-49       33/F    0:33:45  43.75%   26    
   87. Ed Russell               0:38:01  0:12:00     2/M70-99       54/M    0:25:24  51.13%   33    
   88. Christie Rossiter        0:38:10  0:12:02    10/F30-39       34/F    0:38:10  38.70%   74    
   89. Alysia Stefaniw          0:38:20  0:12:06     6/F20-29       35/F    0:38:20  38.52%   80    
   90. Kelly Uderitz            0:40:13  0:12:41     9/F40-49       36/F    0:38:07  38.75%   3     
   91. Cynthia Brinkerhoff      0:44:39  0:14:05    11/F30-39       37/F    0:43:41  33.80%   78    
   92. Jarred Saj               0:46:16  0:14:36     8/M30-39       55/M    0:44:08  29.42%   62    
   93. Gloria Ralph             0:46:54  0:14:48     3/F50-59       38/F    0:38:16  38.59%   18    
   94. Erin Dunham              0:47:47  0:15:04     8/F15-19       39/F    0:47:01  31.41%   99    
   95. Dawn Arnold              0:48:23  0:15:16     4/F50-59       40/F    0:42:46  34.53%   83    
   96. Diana Russell            0:48:25  0:15:16     5/F50-59       41/F    0:42:20  34.88%   411   
   97. Molly Russell            0:48:27  0:15:17     2/F1-14        42/F    0:45:18  32.59%   412   
   98. Katherine Fleming        0:48:29  0:15:18    10/F40-49       43/F    0:44:16  33.36%   46    
   99. Gregory Fleming          0:48:30  0:15:18     6/M15-19       56/M    0:47:32  27.31%   45    
  100. Jamie Howard             0:49:31  0:15:37     7/M50-59       57/M    0:42:35  30.49%   37    
  101. Linda Arnold             0:51:23  0:16:13     2/F70-99       44/F    0:32:57  44.82%   408   
  102. Marlene Seielstad        0:51:25  0:16:13     6/F50-59       45/F    0:45:27  32.49%   70    
  103. Diana Dudley             0:51:49  0:16:21     3/F70-99       46/F    0:28:28  51.88%   414   
  104. Lise Lemcke-Smith        1:00:39  0:19:08     1/F60-69       47/F    0:45:57  32.13%   36    

Top of Page

Women - Age Group Results       Men - Age Groups      Overall Finish Order       Age Graded Overall
Women 1-14
Place  Name                     Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Meganne Moore             0:31:08   0:09:49     58    18/F
    2. Molly Russell             0:48:27   0:15:17     97    42/F
Women 15-19
Place  Name                     Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Sabrina Quiros            0:23:30   0:07:25     10     3/F
    2. Madison Williams          0:28:06   0:08:52     46    13/F
    3. Dakota Alexander          0:28:06   0:08:52     47    14/F
    4. FaithAnn Vanderwalker     0:28:08   0:08:52     48    15/F
    5. Andrea Benz               0:31:46   0:10:01     61    19/F
    6. Guin Schalck              0:32:56   0:10:23     67    23/F
    7. Megan Smith               0:33:37   0:10:36     71    26/F
    8. Erin Dunham               0:47:47   0:15:04     94    39/F
Women 20-29
Place  Name                     Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Abigail Sortore           0:21:07   0:06:40      3     1/F
    2. Arianna Smith             0:26:56   0:08:30     31     6/F
    3. Katelynne Klossner        0:28:00   0:08:50     42    11/F
    4. Emily Catanzarite         0:28:04   0:08:51     43    12/F
    5. Lexie Gerhardy            0:30:06   0:09:30     54    17/F
    6. Alysia Stefaniw           0:38:20   0:12:06     89    35/F
Women 30-39
Place  Name                     Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Linda Morici              0:21:25   0:06:45      4     2/F
    2. Heather Burger            0:27:20   0:08:37     35     8/F
    3. Michelle Restivo          0:27:31   0:08:41     39     9/F
    4. Katherine Jurs            0:32:31   0:10:15     64    20/F
    5. Jessica Gallmon           0:32:58   0:10:24     68    24/F
    6. Lindsay Smith             0:33:10   0:10:28     69    25/F
    7. Kimberly Oliver           0:33:51   0:10:41     77    28/F
    8. Megan Houseman            0:36:07   0:11:24     83    31/F
    9. Jill Newman               0:36:09   0:11:24     84    32/F
   10. Christie Rossiter         0:38:10   0:12:02     88    34/F
   11. Cynthia Brinkerhoff       0:44:39   0:14:05     91    37/F
Women 40-49
Place  Name                     Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Mollie Mark               0:25:22   0:08:00     22     4/F
    2. Kelly Roberts             0:26:25   0:08:20     29     5/F
    3. Julie D'Agostino          0:27:04   0:08:32     33     7/F
    4. Christina Alexander       0:32:33   0:10:16     65    21/F
    5. Dana Bolton               0:32:42   0:10:19     66    22/F
    6. Ginny Hoffman             0:33:48   0:10:40     75    27/F
    7. Lewanne Nettles           0:36:03   0:11:22     82    30/F
    8. Sharon Gruttadauro        0:36:58   0:11:40     86    33/F
    9. Kelly Uderitz             0:40:13   0:12:41     90    36/F
   10. Katherine Fleming         0:48:29   0:15:18     98    43/F
Women 50-59
Place  Name                     Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Kellie Gregoire           0:27:41   0:08:44     40    10/F
    2. Pam Nudd                  0:28:45   0:09:04     50    16/F
    3. Gloria Ralph              0:46:54   0:14:48     93    38/F
    4. Dawn Arnold               0:48:23   0:15:16     95    40/F
    5. Diana Russell             0:48:25   0:15:16     96    41/F
    6. Marlene Seielstad         0:51:25   0:16:13    102    45/F
Women 60-69
Place  Name                     Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Lise Lemcke-Smith         1:00:39   0:19:08    104    47/F
Women 70-99
Place  Name                     Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Mac Mackenzie             0:35:14   0:11:07     79    29/F
    2. Linda Arnold              0:51:23   0:16:13    101    44/F
    3. Diana Dudley              0:51:49   0:16:21    103    46/F

Top of Page

Men - Age Group Results       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order       Age Graded Overall
Men 1-14
Place  Name                     Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Arian Cayea              0:22:59  0:07:15      7     5/M
    2. Vincent D'Agostino       0:24:17  0:07:40     17    14/M
    3. Christopher Nettles      0:27:22  0:08:38     36    28/M
    4. Nolan Covey              0:33:44  0:10:38     73    47/M
    5. Matthew Smith            0:34:03  0:10:44     78    50/M
Men 15-19
Place  Name                     Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Alex Hoffman             0:23:14  0:07:20      8     6/M
    2. Joseph Nettles           0:23:27  0:07:24      9     7/M
    3. Juan Quinones-Perryman   0:24:35  0:07:45     19    16/M
    4. Brenndon Wolsky          0:24:39  0:07:47     20    17/M
    5. Noah Wadhams             0:27:03  0:08:32     32    26/M
    6. Gregory Fleming          0:48:30  0:15:18     99    56/M
Men 20-29
Place  Name                     Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Nate Birnbaum            0:23:38  0:07:27     13    10/M
    2. Brett Rogers             0:23:55  0:07:33     14    11/M
    3. Alexander Pierce         0:23:56  0:07:33     15    12/M
    4. Zeke Given               0:27:26  0:08:39     37    29/M
    5. Jake Goodenbury          0:30:27  0:09:36     55    38/M
    6. Troy Taladay             0:30:28  0:09:37     56    39/M
    7. Ryan Smith               0:31:28  0:09:56     59    41/M
Men 30-39
Place  Name                     Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Vinny Antinore           0:25:34  0:08:04     24    20/M
    2. Wesley Bedford           0:26:00  0:08:12     25    21/M
    3. Evan Kalpin              0:26:54  0:08:29     30    25/M
    4. Benjamin Roth            0:28:00  0:08:50     41    31/M
    5. Todd Vanderwalker        0:29:28  0:09:18     52    36/M
    6. Nicholas Elias           0:32:10  0:10:09     63    44/M
    7. Adam Covey               0:33:46  0:10:39     74    48/M
    8. Jarred Saj               0:46:16  0:14:36     92    55/M
Men 40-49
Place  Name                     Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Joel Nowatchik           0:18:28  0:05:50      1     1/M
    2. Mark Nichols             0:21:04  0:06:39      2     2/M
    3. Jose Quiros              0:23:31  0:07:25     11     8/M
    4. Duane Johnson            0:23:56  0:07:33     16    13/M
    5. Bert Gallmon             0:25:05  0:07:55     21    18/M
    6. Jason Smith              0:25:24  0:08:01     23    19/M
    7. Tom Rivers               0:26:08  0:08:15     26    22/M
    8. Scott Bylewski           0:26:12  0:08:16     27    23/M
    9. Bob Pastecki             0:26:15  0:08:17     28    24/M
   10. Chris Mathews            0:27:15  0:08:36     34    27/M
   11. Anthony Wiechec          0:27:30  0:08:41     38    30/M
   12. Adam Uderitz             0:28:05  0:08:52     44    32/M
   13. Thomas Nettles           0:28:05  0:08:52     45    33/M
   14. Scott Krieger            0:29:18  0:09:15     51    35/M
   15. Chris Hess               0:31:40  0:09:59     60    42/M
   16. Matthew Parker           0:31:58  0:10:05     62    43/M
   17. David Good               0:33:12  0:10:28     70    45/M
   18. Randy Klossner           0:33:49  0:10:40     76    49/M
Men 50-59
Place  Name                     Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Todd Arnold              0:22:25  0:07:04      5     3/M
    2. Brett Sobieraski         0:22:52  0:07:13      6     4/M
    3. Richard Russell          0:23:36  0:07:27     12     9/M
    4. Stan Jennings            0:24:19  0:07:40     18    15/M
    5. Wayne McCullough         0:28:13  0:08:54     49    34/M
    6. Mark Gregoire            0:29:37  0:09:21     53    37/M
    7. Jamie Howard             0:49:31  0:15:37    100    57/M
Men 60-69
Place  Name                     Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Bob Dyjak                0:30:49  0:09:43     57    40/M
    2. Bruce Rychwalski         0:35:37  0:11:14     80    51/M
    3. Steven Lalonde           0:35:45  0:11:17     81    52/M
    4. Douglas Ralph            0:36:24  0:11:29     85    53/M
Men 70-99
Place  Name                     Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Bill White               0:33:41  0:10:38     72    46/M
    2. Ed Russell               0:38:01  0:12:00     87    54/M

Top of Page

Age Graded Overall       Men - Age Groups       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order
AGPlace  Name                     AGtime    AGpct    Age    Time      Place   
      1. Joel Nowatchik           0:17:22   74.76%     41   0:18:28       1 
      2. Abigail Sortore          0:21:07   69.93%     28   0:21:07       3 
      3. Linda Morici             0:21:20   69.23%     34   0:21:25       4 
      4. Todd Arnold              0:19:35   66.31%     51   0:22:25       5 
      5. Sabrina Quiros           0:22:22   66.01%     15   0:23:30      10 
      6. Mark Nichols             0:19:49   65.54%     41   0:21:04       2 
      7. Brett Sobieraski         0:19:49   65.51%     52   0:22:52       6 
      8. Mac Mackenzie            0:22:56   64.39%     75   0:35:14      79 
      9. Richard Russell          0:20:18   63.97%     53   0:23:36      12 
     10. Pam Nudd                 0:23:28   62.94%     58   0:28:45      50 
     11. Kelly Roberts            0:23:52   61.88%     49   0:26:25      29 
     12. Stan Jennings            0:21:05   61.60%     52   0:24:19      18 
     13. Vincent D'Agostino       0:21:08   61.44%     11   0:24:17      17 
     14. Kellie Gregoire          0:24:28   60.34%     51   0:27:41      40 
     15. Mollie Mark              0:24:42   59.80%     40   0:25:22      22 
     16. Arian Cayea              0:21:48   59.58%     14   0:22:59       7 
     17. Jose Quiros              0:22:07   58.71%     41   0:23:31      11 
     18. Bill White               0:22:30   57.70%     77   0:33:41      72 
     19. Joseph Nettles           0:22:39   57.30%     15   0:23:27       9 
     20. Duane Johnson            0:22:40   57.28%     40   0:23:56      16 
     21. Alex Hoffman             0:22:46   57.01%     16   0:23:14       8 
     22. Jason Smith              0:22:52   56.78%     47   0:25:24      23 
     23. Julie D'Agostino         0:26:02   56.74%     42   0:27:04      33 
     24. Heather Burger           0:26:45   55.21%     39   0:27:20      35 
     25. Dakota Alexander         0:26:45   55.20%     15   0:28:06      47 
     26. FaithAnn Vanderwalker    0:26:47   55.13%     15   0:28:08      48 
     27. Scott Bylewski           0:23:35   55.05%     47   0:26:12      27 
     28. Bert Gallmon             0:23:35   55.04%     41   0:25:05      21 
     29. Nate Birnbaum            0:23:38   54.94%     23   0:23:38      13 
     30. Michelle Restivo         0:26:56   54.84%     39   0:27:31      39 
     31. Arianna Smith            0:26:56   54.83%     23   0:26:56      31 
     32. Wayne McCullough         0:23:42   54.78%     56   0:28:13      49 
     33. Bob Pastecki             0:23:48   54.54%     46   0:26:15      28 
     34. Bob Dyjak                0:23:49   54.51%     66   0:30:49      57 
     35. Brett Rogers             0:23:55   54.29%     26   0:23:55      14 
     36. Alexander Pierce         0:23:56   54.25%     24   0:23:56      15 
     37. Tom Rivers               0:24:03   53.98%     44   0:26:08      26 
     38. Juan Quinones-Perryman   0:24:23   53.23%     17   0:24:35      19 
     39. Brenndon Wolsky          0:24:27   53.08%     17   0:24:39      20 
     40. Meganne Moore            0:27:53   52.95%     12   0:31:08      58 
     41. Madison Williams         0:27:59   52.76%     18   0:28:06      46 
     42. Katelynne Klossner       0:28:00   52.74%     25   0:28:00      42 
     43. Christopher Nettles      0:24:38   52.70%     12   0:27:22      36 
     44. Mark Gregoire            0:24:41   52.61%     57   0:29:37      53 
     45. Emily Catanzarite        0:28:04   52.61%     26   0:28:04      43 
     46. Chris Mathews            0:24:43   52.54%     46   0:27:15      34 
     47. Diana Dudley             0:28:28   51.88%     84   0:51:49     103 
     48. Anthony Wiechec          0:25:07   51.68%     45   0:27:30      38 
     49. Ed Russell               0:25:24   51.13%     77   0:38:01      87 
     50. Vinny Antinore           0:25:26   51.05%     31   0:25:34      24 
     51. Wesley Bedford           0:25:27   51.01%     35   0:26:00      25 
     52. Thomas Nettles           0:25:28   50.98%     46   0:28:05      45 
     53. Adam Uderitz             0:26:02   49.87%     43   0:28:05      44 
     54. Scott Krieger            0:26:11   49.59%     48   0:29:18      51 
     55. Evan Kalpin              0:26:11   49.58%     36   0:26:54      30 
     56. Lexie Gerhardy           0:30:06   49.06%     21   0:30:06      54 
     57. Andrea Benz              0:30:15   48.83%     15   0:31:46      61 
     58. Bruce Rychwalski         0:26:46   48.51%     69   0:35:37      80 
     59. Noah Wadhams             0:27:02   48.02%     18   0:27:03      32 
     60. Benjamin Roth            0:27:15   47.64%     36   0:28:00      41 
     61. Christina Alexander      0:31:05   47.51%     43   0:32:33      65 
     62. Zeke Given               0:27:26   47.34%     28   0:27:26      37 
     63. Dana Bolton              0:31:27   46.96%     42   0:32:42      66 
     64. Ginny Hoffman            0:31:46   46.49%     45   0:33:48      75 
     65. Nolan Covey              0:28:12   46.03%     10   0:33:44      73 
     66. Katherine Jurs           0:32:06   46.01%     37   0:32:31      64 
     67. Jessica Gallmon          0:32:15   45.78%     39   0:32:58      68 
     68. Guin Schalck             0:32:24   45.57%     17   0:32:56      67 
     69. Todd Vanderwalker        0:28:30   45.56%     37   0:29:28      52 
     70. Megan Smith              0:32:32   45.38%     16   0:33:37      71 
     71. Chris Hess               0:28:43   45.21%     46   0:31:40      60 
     72. Steven Lalonde           0:28:50   45.04%     61   0:35:45      81 
     73. Douglas Ralph            0:28:52   44.98%     63   0:36:24      85 
     74. Linda Arnold             0:32:57   44.82%     76   0:51:23     101 
     75. Lindsay Smith            0:33:08   44.57%     32   0:33:10      69 
     76. Matthew Parker           0:29:25   44.13%     44   0:31:58      62 
     77. Sharon Gruttadauro       0:33:45   43.75%     48   0:36:58      86 
     78. Kimberly Oliver          0:33:46   43.72%     33   0:33:51      77 
     79. Randy Klossner           0:29:59   43.29%     49   0:33:49      76 
     80. Lewanne Nettles          0:34:10   43.23%     44   0:36:03      82 
     81. David Good               0:30:07   43.12%     46   0:33:12      70 
     82. Jake Goodenbury          0:30:27   42.64%     25   0:30:27      55 
     83. Troy Taladay             0:30:28   42.61%     24   0:30:28      56 
     84. Nicholas Elias           0:30:41   42.32%     39   0:32:10      63 
     85. Megan Houseman           0:35:47   41.27%     36   0:36:07      83 
     86. Ryan Smith               0:31:28   41.26%     20   0:31:28      59 
     87. Jill Newman              0:35:55   41.12%     35   0:36:09      84 
     88. Matthew Smith            0:32:17   40.21%     14   0:34:03      78 
     89. Adam Covey               0:32:26   40.03%     38   0:33:46      74 
     90. Kelly Uderitz            0:38:07   38.75%     44   0:40:13      90 
     91. Christie Rossiter        0:38:10   38.70%     31   0:38:10      88 
     92. Gloria Ralph             0:38:16   38.59%     58   0:46:54      93 
     93. Alysia Stefaniw          0:38:20   38.52%     28   0:38:20      89 
     94. Diana Russell            0:42:20   34.88%     52   0:48:25      96 
     95. Dawn Arnold              0:42:46   34.53%     51   0:48:23      95 
     96. Cynthia Brinkerhoff      0:43:41   33.80%     39   0:44:39      91 
     97. Katherine Fleming        0:44:16   33.36%     48   0:48:29      98 
     98. Molly Russell            0:45:18   32.59%     14   0:48:27      97 
     99. Marlene Seielstad        0:45:27   32.49%     51   0:51:25     102 
    100. Lise Lemcke-Smith        0:45:57   32.13%     64   1:00:39     104 
    101. Erin Dunham              0:47:01   31.41%     17   0:47:47      94 
    102. Jamie Howard             0:42:35   30.49%     53   0:49:31     100 
    103. Jarred Saj               0:44:08   29.42%     39   0:46:16      92 
    104. Gregory Fleming          0:47:32   27.31%     16   0:48:30      99 

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