Niagara Ultras Marathon

Niagara On The Lake, ON
June 15, 2019

Results Data Courtesy of:  Chip Time Results
Overall Finish Order    Men - Age Groups      Women - Age Groups
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace         InGroup      InSex    netTime  netPace  
    1. Jeremy Grampola        Barrie,               3:14:18  0:07:25     1/M30-34        1/M    3:14:14  0:07:24  
    2. Attila Kovacs          Etobicoke,            3:22:35  0:07:44     1/M50-54        2/M    3:22:31  0:07:43  
    3. Huston Loke            Toronto,              3:28:07  0:07:56     1/M45-49        3/M    3:28:05  0:07:56  
    4. Alan Heap              Marysville,           3:28:51  0:07:58     1/M35-39        4/M    3:28:51  0:07:58  
    5. Mark McLeod            North Bay,            3:31:58  0:08:05     2/M50-54        5/M    3:31:52  0:08:05  
    6. Jon Bundrea            Kitchener,            3:36:23  0:08:15     1/M25-29        6/M    3:36:15  0:08:15  
    7. Andrina Slegers        Toronto,              3:36:34  0:08:16     1/F30-34        1/F    3:36:34  0:08:16  
    8. Nate Douglas           Mississauga,          3:37:29  0:08:18     2/M30-34        7/M    3:37:26  0:08:18  
    9. Steven Emery           KITCHENER,            3:39:13  0:08:22     2/M25-29        8/M    3:39:04  0:08:21  
   10. Justine Mayne          Waterloo,             3:41:49  0:08:28     1/F0-24         2/F    3:41:35  0:08:27  
   11. Serge Maynard          Montréal,             3:50:14  0:08:47     2/M35-39        9/M    3:50:10  0:08:47  
   12. Kelly Parker           Medina,               3:50:58  0:08:49     1/F50-54        3/F    3:50:50  0:08:48  
   13. Ben Lariviere          PortPerry,            3:52:26  0:08:52     1/M40-44       10/M    3:52:23  0:08:52  
   14. Eryn Carruthers        Smithville,           3:53:20  0:08:54     1/F35-39        4/F    3:53:05  0:08:53  
   15. Pat Murphy             Fergus,               3:53:48  0:08:55     2/M45-49       11/M    3:53:39  0:08:55  
   16. Leeann Breault         Kitchener,            3:57:20  0:09:03     2/F35-39        5/F    3:56:55  0:09:02  
   17. Maria Anderson         Tampa,                3:58:12  0:09:05     1/F60-64        6/F    3:58:05  0:09:05  
   18. Daniel Ptak            Toronto,              4:01:35  0:09:13     3/M50-54       12/M    4:01:31  0:09:13  
   19. Alex Beaudoin          Gatineau,             4:02:25  0:09:15     3/M25-29       13/M    4:02:25  0:09:15  
   20. Robert Anderson        St Catharines,        4:03:06  0:09:16     2/M40-44       14/M    4:02:46  0:09:16  
   21. Madison Derrough       Aylmer,               4:03:43  0:09:18     2/F0-24         7/F    4:03:38  0:09:18  
   22. Hannah Brennen                               4:03:51  0:09:18     3/F0-24         8/F    4:03:41  0:09:18  
   23. Matthew Downs          Utica,                4:06:06  0:09:23     3/M35-39       15/M    4:06:02  0:09:23  
   24. Joey Correia           Maple,                4:07:42  0:09:27     4/M50-54       16/M    4:07:28  0:09:26  
   25. Richard Hanano         Brooklyn,             4:08:25  0:09:28     5/M50-54       17/M    4:08:19  0:09:28  
   26. Patrick Connor         London,               4:08:59  0:09:30     1/M60-64       18/M    4:08:47  0:09:29  
   27. Brett Kyle             Cambridge,            4:12:04  0:09:37     2/M60-64       19/M    4:11:48  0:09:36  
   28. Mike Kenna             Grand Cayman,         4:12:21  0:09:37     3/M40-44       20/M    4:12:15  0:09:37  
   29. Ben Cronsberry         Toronto,              4:12:34  0:09:38     3/M30-34       21/M    4:12:22  0:09:38  
   30. Rachel Misour          Aspinwall,            4:12:40  0:09:38     2/F30-34        9/F    4:12:34  0:09:38  
   31. Keith Vona             East Aurora,          4:13:22  0:09:40     3/M45-49       22/M    4:13:17  0:09:40  
   32. Virginia Yerman        Marcy,                4:13:40  0:09:41     1/F40-44       10/F    4:13:33  0:09:40  
   33. Gina Mouch             Ann Arbor,            4:20:44  0:09:57     1/F25-29       11/F    4:20:03  0:09:55  
   34. Yajaira Pluess         Tampa,                4:20:53  0:09:57     3/F35-39       12/F    4:20:44  0:09:57  
   35. Lucas Porter           Toronto,              4:21:19  0:09:58     4/M25-29       23/M    4:21:19  0:09:58  
   36. Amitoz Ralhan          Toronto,              4:21:40  0:09:59     4/M30-34       24/M    4:21:15  0:09:58  
   37. Ambrose Au             Markham,              4:21:50  0:09:59     4/M40-44       25/M    4:21:28  0:09:58  
   38. Lionel Gadoury         Toronto,              4:27:25  0:10:12     1/M55-59       26/M    4:27:14  0:10:12  
   39. Tara Thomas            Wheeling,             4:28:23  0:10:14     2/F40-44       13/F    4:28:01  0:10:13  
   40. Dylan Hall             Lancaster,            4:28:43  0:10:15     4/M35-39       27/M    4:28:21  0:10:14  
   41. Jennifer Tracy         Baden,                4:29:12  0:10:16     2/F50-54       14/F    4:29:00  0:10:16  
   42. Ilene Fortin           Lutz,                 4:29:42  0:10:17     1/F45-49       15/F    4:29:35  0:10:17  
   43. Arad Gulati            Toronto,              4:31:54  0:10:22     4/F35-39       16/F    4:31:49  0:10:22  
   44. Brendan Bailey         Marmora,              4:32:20  0:10:23     5/M35-39       28/M    4:31:50  0:10:22  
   45. Clinton Tad Brown      Buffalo,              4:32:42  0:10:24     5/M40-44       29/M    4:32:30  0:10:24  
   46. Miguel Mori            Niagara-on-the-Lak,   4:34:35  0:10:28     5/M30-34       30/M    4:34:13  0:10:28  
   47. David Seok             DETROIT,              4:35:15  0:10:30     5/M25-29       31/M    4:34:59  0:10:29  
   48. Tom Levesque           Bristol,              4:35:56  0:10:31     4/M45-49       32/M    4:35:36  0:10:31  
   49. Mary Powers            Tolland,              4:36:46  0:10:33     1/F55-59       17/F    4:36:38  0:10:33  
   50. Debbie Bos             Waterdown,            4:40:20  0:10:42     3/F50-54       18/F    4:39:56  0:10:41  
   51. Tamara Thompson        Exeter,               4:40:31  0:10:42     5/F35-39       19/F    4:40:15  0:10:41  
   52. Bruce Carter           Alden,                4:41:08  0:10:43     1/M65-99       33/M    4:41:00  0:10:43  
   53. Carlos Romero          Niagara On The Lak,   4:41:24  0:10:44     6/M50-54       34/M    4:41:08  0:10:43  
   54. Jean Lapointe          Ottawa,               4:42:09  0:10:46     5/M45-49       35/M    4:41:52  0:10:45  
   55. Rob Koelbli            Cambridge,            4:42:23  0:10:46     2/M55-59       36/M    4:42:04  0:10:45  
   56. Sydney McQueen         Toronto,              4:42:58  0:10:48     2/F25-29       20/F    4:42:29  0:10:46  
   57. Kristine Rivest        Iroquios Falls,       4:43:45  0:10:49     3/F40-44       21/F    4:43:08  0:10:48  
   58. James Costello         Valatie,              4:44:10  0:10:50     3/M60-64       37/M    4:43:48  0:10:49  
   59. Marie Bartoletti       Bethel Park,          4:44:13  0:10:50     2/F60-64       22/F    4:44:02  0:10:50  
   60. Harvey Godbehere       Niagara Falls,        4:44:41  0:10:51     7/M50-54       38/M    4:44:29  0:10:51  
   61. Carla Cervantes        Tampa,                4:46:34  0:10:56     4/F40-44       23/F    4:46:24  0:10:55  
   62. Eduardo Rincon-marquez Hamilton,             4:48:42  0:11:01     6/M25-29       39/M    4:48:23  0:11:00  
   63. Jessica Spencer        McLean,               4:48:53  0:11:01     4/F0-24        24/F    4:48:43  0:11:01  
   64. Nicholas Mitchell      Dundas,               4:51:29  0:11:07     1/M0-24        40/M    4:51:16  0:11:07  
   65. Maciej Hatta           Cold Lake,            4:52:38  0:11:10     6/M35-39       41/M    4:52:09  0:11:09  
   66. Will Fox               Toronto,              4:53:07  0:11:11     7/M25-29       42/M    4:53:05  0:11:11  
   67. Samantha Wake          Kitchener,            4:53:41  0:11:12     3/F25-29       25/F    4:53:25  0:11:11  
   68. Nick Fuendling         Elmira,               4:53:46  0:11:12     7/M35-39       43/M    4:53:28  0:11:12  
   69. Crystal Nicolas        Elmira,               4:53:46  0:11:12     6/F35-39       26/F    4:53:28  0:11:12  
   70. Martin Powers          Tolland,              4:54:21  0:11:14     4/M60-64       44/M    4:54:10  0:11:13  
   71. Kristina Norton        Duluth,               4:58:31  0:11:23     4/F50-54       27/F    4:58:14  0:11:22  
   72. Nicole Jessome         Hamilton,             5:02:06  0:11:31     5/F50-54       28/F    5:01:56  0:11:31  
   73. Adrianna Novario       Springfield,          5:02:07  0:11:31     4/F25-29       29/F    5:01:44  0:11:30  
   74. Mitchiko Hirato        Toronto,              5:02:07  0:11:31     5/F25-29       30/F    5:01:49  0:11:31  
   75. Andras Bandi           Houston,              5:03:28  0:11:34     8/M50-54       45/M    5:03:13  0:11:34  
   76. John Lee               New York,             5:07:44  0:11:44     6/M40-44       46/M    5:00:46  0:11:28  
   77. Bronagh Lee            New York,             5:07:44  0:11:44     3/F30-34       31/F    5:00:46  0:11:28  
   78. Mark Coombs            Toronto,              5:08:02  0:11:45     8/M25-29       47/M    5:07:51  0:11:44  
   79. Natthapol Boonsaeng    Bangkok,              5:12:05  0:11:54     7/M40-44       48/M    5:12:01  0:11:54  
   80. Carolyn Roberts        Metuchen,             5:12:21  0:11:55     2/F55-59       32/F    5:12:09  0:11:54  
   81. Jill Carter            Alden,                5:14:16  0:11:59     5/F40-44       33/F    5:14:08  0:11:59  
   82. Stuart Vanstaalduinen  St. Catharines,       5:14:25  0:12:00     6/M30-34       49/M    5:13:54  0:11:58  
   83. Matthew Ferguson       Stoney Creek,         5:15:16  0:12:01     2/M0-24        50/M    5:15:02  0:12:01  
   84. Stephanie Tremblay     Ottawa,               5:18:45  0:12:09     6/F50-54       34/F    5:18:27  0:12:09  
   85. Sarah Norton           Duluth,               5:19:13  0:12:11     5/F0-24        35/F    5:18:56  0:12:10  
   86. Devin Bonner           Kitchener,            5:21:36  0:12:16     8/M35-39       51/M    5:21:09  0:12:15  
   87. Jennifer Chen          San Antonio TX,       5:24:07  0:12:22     6/F40-44       36/F    5:23:59  0:12:21  
   88. Arumugam Ramar         MISSISSAUGA,          5:28:55  0:12:33     9/M35-39       52/M    5:28:28  0:12:32  
   89. Nancy Mendes           Brampton,             5:34:41  0:12:46     7/F50-54       37/F    5:34:39  0:12:46  
   90. Linda MacMichael       Port Perry,           5:35:30  0:12:48     8/F50-54       38/F    5:35:03  0:12:47  
   91. Liz Hill               Harrisburg,           5:35:59  0:12:49     4/F30-34       39/F    5:35:39  0:12:48  
   92. Amy Hill               Harrisburg,           5:35:59  0:12:49     2/F45-49       40/F    5:35:39  0:12:48  
   93. Jonathan Murphy        Richmond Hill,        5:40:03  0:12:58     7/M30-34       53/M    5:39:47  0:12:58  
   94. Alesia Campbell        Mississauga,          5:40:04  0:12:58     6/F25-29       41/F    5:39:49  0:12:58  
   95. Ray Lim                Markham,              5:42:41  0:13:04     2/M65-99       54/M    5:42:20  0:13:03  
   96. Kristin Voros          Delhi,                5:44:29  0:13:08     7/F35-39       42/F    5:44:00  0:13:07  
   97. Leslie Cooke-Bithrey   Burlington,           5:45:16  0:13:10     7/F40-44       43/F    5:45:00  0:13:10  
   98. Andrea Bregg           Swift Current,        5:47:07  0:13:14     8/F35-39       44/F    5:46:41  0:13:13  
   99. Ronnie Garcia          Niagara On The Lak,   5:47:16  0:13:15     8/M40-44       55/M    5:46:47  0:13:14  
  100. Jill Pettit            Niagara On The Lak,   5:51:34  0:13:25     3/F60-64       45/F    5:51:09  0:13:24  
  101. Megan Kollmeyer        Romeoville,           5:52:04  0:13:26     7/F25-29       46/F    5:51:52  0:13:25  
  102. Neil Stratford         Halton Hills,         5:52:29  0:13:27     8/M30-34       56/M    5:51:57  0:13:25  
  103. Maxim Mendes           Brampton,             5:59:51  0:13:43     9/M50-54       57/M    5:59:48  0:13:43  
  104. Nina Santarpia         Lackawanna,           6:17:00  0:14:23     6/F0-24        47/F    6:16:37  0:14:22  
  105. Danielle Lambert       Burr Hil,             6:21:45  0:14:34     8/F25-29       48/F    6:21:36  0:14:33  
  106. Brittany Mayer         Berryville,           6:21:45  0:14:34     9/F25-29       49/F    6:21:36  0:14:33  
  107. Nancee Knierim         Wichita,              6:26:17  0:14:44     1/F65-99       50/F    6:25:49  0:14:43  
  108. Tanya Molleker         Valley Center,        6:26:17  0:14:44     9/F35-39       51/F    6:25:49  0:14:43  
  109. Kevin McMillan         Canandaigua,          6:30:30  0:14:54     5/M60-64       58/M    6:30:11  0:14:53  
  110. Taylor Ooms            Woodstock,            6:31:58  0:14:57    10/F25-29       52/F    6:31:38  0:14:56  
  111. Jamo Huddle            Cambridge,            6:35:37  0:15:05     3/F55-59       53/F    6:35:12  0:15:04  
  112. Sabina Erlich          Mississauga,          6:43:04  0:15:22     3/F45-49       54/F    6:42:57  0:15:22  
  113. Angelo Mulya           Pickering,            6:54:52  0:15:49    10/M50-54       59/M    6:54:21  0:15:48  
  114. Nisha Patel            Toronto,              6:56:35  0:15:53    10/F35-39       55/F    6:56:13  0:15:52  
  115. Vasant Patel           Toronto,              6:56:36  0:15:53     3/M65-99       60/M    6:56:12  0:15:52  
  116. Val Mulya              Pickering,            6:58:11  0:15:57     9/F50-54       56/F    6:57:41  0:15:56  
  117. James Reeve            Celebration,          7:04:21  0:16:11     4/M65-99       61/M    7:03:54  0:16:10  

Top of Page

Women - Age Group Results       Men - Age Groups      Overall Finish Order
Women 0-24
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Justine Mayne          Waterloo,              3:41:49   0:08:28     10     2/F
    2. Madison Derrough       Aylmer,                4:03:43   0:09:18     21     7/F
    3. Hannah Brennen                                4:03:51   0:09:18     22     8/F
    4. Jessica Spencer        McLean,                4:48:53   0:11:01     63    24/F
    5. Sarah Norton           Duluth,                5:19:13   0:12:11     85    35/F
    6. Nina Santarpia         Lackawanna,            6:17:00   0:14:23    104    47/F
Women 25-29
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Gina Mouch             Ann Arbor,             4:20:44   0:09:57     33    11/F
    2. Sydney McQueen         Toronto,               4:42:58   0:10:48     56    20/F
    3. Samantha Wake          Kitchener,             4:53:41   0:11:12     67    25/F
    4. Adrianna Novario       Springfield,           5:02:07   0:11:31     73    29/F
    5. Mitchiko Hirato        Toronto,               5:02:07   0:11:31     74    30/F
    6. Alesia Campbell        Mississauga,           5:40:04   0:12:58     94    41/F
    7. Megan Kollmeyer        Romeoville,            5:52:04   0:13:26    101    46/F
    8. Danielle Lambert       Burr Hil,              6:21:45   0:14:34    105    48/F
    9. Brittany Mayer         Berryville,            6:21:45   0:14:34    106    49/F
   10. Taylor Ooms            Woodstock,             6:31:58   0:14:57    110    52/F
Women 30-34
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Andrina Slegers        Toronto,               3:36:34   0:08:16      7     1/F
    2. Rachel Misour          Aspinwall,             4:12:40   0:09:38     30     9/F
    3. Bronagh Lee            New York,              5:07:44   0:11:44     77    31/F
    4. Liz Hill               Harrisburg,            5:35:59   0:12:49     91    39/F
Women 35-39
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Eryn Carruthers        Smithville,            3:53:20   0:08:54     14     4/F
    2. Leeann Breault         Kitchener,             3:57:20   0:09:03     16     5/F
    3. Yajaira Pluess         Tampa,                 4:20:53   0:09:57     34    12/F
    4. Arad Gulati            Toronto,               4:31:54   0:10:22     43    16/F
    5. Tamara Thompson        Exeter,                4:40:31   0:10:42     51    19/F
    6. Crystal Nicolas        Elmira,                4:53:46   0:11:12     69    26/F
    7. Kristin Voros          Delhi,                 5:44:29   0:13:08     96    42/F
    8. Andrea Bregg           Swift Current,         5:47:07   0:13:14     98    44/F
    9. Tanya Molleker         Valley Center,         6:26:17   0:14:44    108    51/F
   10. Nisha Patel            Toronto,               6:56:35   0:15:53    114    55/F
Women 40-44
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Virginia Yerman        Marcy,                 4:13:40   0:09:41     32    10/F
    2. Tara Thomas            Wheeling,              4:28:23   0:10:14     39    13/F
    3. Kristine Rivest        Iroquios Falls,        4:43:45   0:10:49     57    21/F
    4. Carla Cervantes        Tampa,                 4:46:34   0:10:56     61    23/F
    5. Jill Carter            Alden,                 5:14:16   0:11:59     81    33/F
    6. Jennifer Chen          San Antonio TX,        5:24:07   0:12:22     87    36/F
    7. Leslie Cooke-Bithrey   Burlington,            5:45:16   0:13:10     97    43/F
Women 45-49
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Ilene Fortin           Lutz,                  4:29:42   0:10:17     42    15/F
    2. Amy Hill               Harrisburg,            5:35:59   0:12:49     92    40/F
    3. Sabina Erlich          Mississauga,           6:43:04   0:15:22    112    54/F
Women 50-54
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Kelly Parker           Medina,                3:50:58   0:08:49     12     3/F
    2. Jennifer Tracy         Baden,                 4:29:12   0:10:16     41    14/F
    3. Debbie Bos             Waterdown,             4:40:20   0:10:42     50    18/F
    4. Kristina Norton        Duluth,                4:58:31   0:11:23     71    27/F
    5. Nicole Jessome         Hamilton,              5:02:06   0:11:31     72    28/F
    6. Stephanie Tremblay     Ottawa,                5:18:45   0:12:09     84    34/F
    7. Nancy Mendes           Brampton,              5:34:41   0:12:46     89    37/F
    8. Linda MacMichael       Port Perry,            5:35:30   0:12:48     90    38/F
    9. Val Mulya              Pickering,             6:58:11   0:15:57    116    56/F
Women 55-59
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Mary Powers            Tolland,               4:36:46   0:10:33     49    17/F
    2. Carolyn Roberts        Metuchen,              5:12:21   0:11:55     80    32/F
    3. Jamo Huddle            Cambridge,             6:35:37   0:15:05    111    53/F
Women 60-64
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Maria Anderson         Tampa,                 3:58:12   0:09:05     17     6/F
    2. Marie Bartoletti       Bethel Park,           4:44:13   0:10:50     59    22/F
    3. Jill Pettit            Niagara On The Lak,    5:51:34   0:13:25    100    45/F
Women 65-99
Place  Name                   Town                  Time      Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Nancee Knierim         Wichita,               6:26:17   0:14:44    107    50/F

Top of Page

Men - Age Group Results       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order
Men 0-24
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Nicholas Mitchell      Dundas,               4:51:29  0:11:07     64    40/M
    2. Matthew Ferguson       Stoney Creek,         5:15:16  0:12:01     83    50/M
Men 25-29
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Jon Bundrea            Kitchener,            3:36:23  0:08:15      6     6/M
    2. Steven Emery           KITCHENER,            3:39:13  0:08:22      9     8/M
    3. Alex Beaudoin          Gatineau,             4:02:25  0:09:15     19    13/M
    4. Lucas Porter           Toronto,              4:21:19  0:09:58     35    23/M
    5. David Seok             DETROIT,              4:35:15  0:10:30     47    31/M
    6. Eduardo Rincon-marquez Hamilton,             4:48:42  0:11:01     62    39/M
    7. Will Fox               Toronto,              4:53:07  0:11:11     66    42/M
    8. Mark Coombs            Toronto,              5:08:02  0:11:45     78    47/M
Men 30-34
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Jeremy Grampola        Barrie,               3:14:18  0:07:25      1     1/M
    2. Nate Douglas           Mississauga,          3:37:29  0:08:18      8     7/M
    3. Ben Cronsberry         Toronto,              4:12:34  0:09:38     29    21/M
    4. Amitoz Ralhan          Toronto,              4:21:40  0:09:59     36    24/M
    5. Miguel Mori            Niagara-on-the-Lak,   4:34:35  0:10:28     46    30/M
    6. Stuart Vanstaalduinen  St. Catharines,       5:14:25  0:12:00     82    49/M
    7. Jonathan Murphy        Richmond Hill,        5:40:03  0:12:58     93    53/M
    8. Neil Stratford         Halton Hills,         5:52:29  0:13:27    102    56/M
Men 35-39
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Alan Heap              Marysville,           3:28:51  0:07:58      4     4/M
    2. Serge Maynard          Montréal,             3:50:14  0:08:47     11     9/M
    3. Matthew Downs          Utica,                4:06:06  0:09:23     23    15/M
    4. Dylan Hall             Lancaster,            4:28:43  0:10:15     40    27/M
    5. Brendan Bailey         Marmora,              4:32:20  0:10:23     44    28/M
    6. Maciej Hatta           Cold Lake,            4:52:38  0:11:10     65    41/M
    7. Nick Fuendling         Elmira,               4:53:46  0:11:12     68    43/M
    8. Devin Bonner           Kitchener,            5:21:36  0:12:16     86    51/M
    9. Arumugam Ramar         MISSISSAUGA,          5:28:55  0:12:33     88    52/M
Men 40-44
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Ben Lariviere          PortPerry,            3:52:26  0:08:52     13    10/M
    2. Robert Anderson        St Catharines,        4:03:06  0:09:16     20    14/M
    3. Mike Kenna             Grand Cayman,         4:12:21  0:09:37     28    20/M
    4. Ambrose Au             Markham,              4:21:50  0:09:59     37    25/M
    5. Clinton Tad Brown      Buffalo,              4:32:42  0:10:24     45    29/M
    6. John Lee               New York,             5:07:44  0:11:44     76    46/M
    7. Natthapol Boonsaeng    Bangkok,              5:12:05  0:11:54     79    48/M
    8. Ronnie Garcia          Niagara On The Lak,   5:47:16  0:13:15     99    55/M
Men 45-49
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Huston Loke            Toronto,              3:28:07  0:07:56      3     3/M
    2. Pat Murphy             Fergus,               3:53:48  0:08:55     15    11/M
    3. Keith Vona             East Aurora,          4:13:22  0:09:40     31    22/M
    4. Tom Levesque           Bristol,              4:35:56  0:10:31     48    32/M
    5. Jean Lapointe          Ottawa,               4:42:09  0:10:46     54    35/M
Men 50-54
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Attila Kovacs          Etobicoke,            3:22:35  0:07:44      2     2/M
    2. Mark McLeod            North Bay,            3:31:58  0:08:05      5     5/M
    3. Daniel Ptak            Toronto,              4:01:35  0:09:13     18    12/M
    4. Joey Correia           Maple,                4:07:42  0:09:27     24    16/M
    5. Richard Hanano         Brooklyn,             4:08:25  0:09:28     25    17/M
    6. Carlos Romero          Niagara On The Lak,   4:41:24  0:10:44     53    34/M
    7. Harvey Godbehere       Niagara Falls,        4:44:41  0:10:51     60    38/M
    8. Andras Bandi           Houston,              5:03:28  0:11:34     75    45/M
    9. Maxim Mendes           Brampton,             5:59:51  0:13:43    103    57/M
   10. Angelo Mulya           Pickering,            6:54:52  0:15:49    113    59/M
Men 55-59
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Lionel Gadoury         Toronto,              4:27:25  0:10:12     38    26/M
    2. Rob Koelbli            Cambridge,            4:42:23  0:10:46     55    36/M
Men 60-64
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Patrick Connor         London,               4:08:59  0:09:30     26    18/M
    2. Brett Kyle             Cambridge,            4:12:04  0:09:37     27    19/M
    3. James Costello         Valatie,              4:44:10  0:10:50     58    37/M
    4. Martin Powers          Tolland,              4:54:21  0:11:14     70    44/M
    5. Kevin McMillan         Canandaigua,          6:30:30  0:14:54    109    58/M
Men 65-99
Place  Name                   Town                  Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Bruce Carter           Alden,                4:41:08  0:10:43     52    33/M
    2. Ray Lim                Markham,              5:42:41  0:13:04     95    54/M
    3. Vasant Patel           Toronto,              6:56:36  0:15:53    115    60/M
    4. James Reeve            Celebration,          7:04:21  0:16:11    117    61/M

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