Stephen's Cross Country Run 6K

Bemus Point, NY
August 10, 2008

Results Data Courtesy of:  John Zuroski
Overall Finish Order    Men - Age Groups    Women - Age Groups
Place  Name                        Time     Pace         InGroup      InSex
    1. Darrin Pocza                0:20:47  0:05:34     1/M40-49        1/M
    2. Tayler Moore                0:21:35  0:05:47     1/M18-29        2/M
    3. Jeff Rozler                 0:21:45  0:05:50     2/M18-29        3/M
    4. Robert Rappole              0:22:04  0:05:55     3/M18-29        4/M
    5. Brendan Green               0:22:20  0:05:59     1/M16-17        5/M
    6. Elizabeth Schultz           0:22:27  0:06:01     1/F18-29        1/F
    7. Tony Dolce                  0:22:33  0:06:03     2/M40-49        6/M
    8. Rob Liebers                 0:22:53  0:06:08     1/M50-59        7/M
    9. Dan Caruso                  0:23:22  0:06:16     1/M30-39        8/M
   10. Robert Giesen               0:23:33  0:06:19     3/M40-49        9/M
   11. Mark Raczka                 0:23:58  0:06:26     4/M40-49       10/M
   12. Danny Green                 0:24:06  0:06:28     2/M16-17       11/M
   13. Jon Marsh                   0:24:21  0:06:32     5/M40-49       12/M
   14. Rosie Cooper                0:24:48  0:06:39     2/F18-29        2/F
   15. Danny Rivas                 0:25:58  0:06:58     3/M16-17       13/M
   16. John Zuroski                0:25:59  0:06:58     6/M40-49       14/M
   17. Bella Zuroski               0:26:43  0:07:10     1/F16-17        3/F
   18. Kolton Seastrum             0:27:01  0:07:15     1/M0-15        15/M
   19. Tim Goodell                 0:27:14  0:07:18     2/M50-59       16/M
   20. Steve Godfrey               0:27:39  0:07:25     2/M30-39       17/M
   21. Kevin Erickson              0:28:09  0:07:33     4/M18-29       18/M
   22. Brent Penhollow             0:28:21  0:07:36     2/M0-15        19/M
   23. Evan Moore                  0:28:31  0:07:39     4/M16-17       20/M
   24. Nick Zuroski                0:28:33  0:07:39     3/M0-15        21/M
   25. Tim Generalovich            0:28:42  0:07:42     3/M50-59       22/M
   26. Madison Steward             0:29:04  0:07:48     3/F18-29        4/F
   27. Judy Porpiglia              0:29:09  0:07:49     1/F30-39        5/F
   28. Pat Green                   0:29:13  0:07:50     7/M40-49       23/M
   29. Stephen Pangborn            0:29:19  0:07:52     4/M50-59       24/M
   30. Kirsten Bishop              0:29:41  0:07:58     2/F30-39        6/F
   31. Ralph Josephson             0:29:44  0:07:59     1/M60-69       25/M
   32. Mike Taylor-Shackleford     0:30:08  0:08:05     3/M30-39       26/M
   33. Kelly Davies                0:30:12  0:08:06     2/F16-17        7/F
   34. Joanne Aron                 0:30:39  0:08:13     3/F30-39        8/F
   35. Arabelle Clark              0:30:47  0:08:15     1/F0-15         9/F
   36. Anne Dolce                  0:30:50  0:08:16     1/F40-49       10/F
   37. Sharon Pangborn             0:30:58  0:08:18     1/F50-59       11/F
   38. Richard Siegel              0:31:01  0:08:19     5/M50-59       27/M
   39. Lance Boyles                0:31:01  0:08:19     6/M50-59       28/M
   40. Stacey Caruso               0:31:41  0:08:30     4/F30-39       12/F
   41. James Lincoln               0:32:42  0:08:46     8/M40-49       29/M
   42. Karen Radkowski             0:34:18  0:09:12     2/F40-49       13/F
   43. Patrick Bielecki            0:34:32  0:09:16     9/M40-49       30/M
   44. Paul Hassal                 0:35:07  0:09:25     2/M60-69       31/M
   45. Austin Goerke               0:35:13  0:09:27     4/M0-15        32/M
   46. Colin Green                 0:35:13  0:09:27     5/M0-15        33/M
   47. Kaleigh Dwyer               0:36:09  0:09:42     2/F0-15        14/F
   48. Nancy Hynes                 0:36:11  0:09:42     2/F50-59       15/F
   49. Elliott Clark               0:36:56  0:09:54     6/M0-15        34/M
   50. Frank Zuroski               0:37:13  0:09:59     7/M0-15        35/M
   51. Scott Sawyer                0:37:16  0:10:00     3/M60-69       36/M
   52. Worth Goodell               0:38:45  0:10:24     5/M16-17       37/M
   53. Tori Goodell                0:39:13  0:10:31     3/F0-15        16/F
   54. Jennie Goodell              0:40:20  0:10:49     4/F0-15        17/F
   55. Patrick Nelson              0:43:48  0:11:45     8/M0-15        38/M
   56. Meredith Wellman-Clementi   0:44:09  0:11:51     5/F30-39       18/F
   57. Judi Goerke                 0:61:47  0:16:34     3/F40-49       19/F
   58. Matthew Nelson              0:61:48  0:16:35     9/M0-15        39/M
   59. Tracy Nelson                0:61:54  0:16:36     4/F40-49       20/F

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Women - Age Group Results       Men - Age Groups      Overall Finish Order
Women 0-15
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Arabelle Clark              0:30:47  0:08:15     35     9/F
    2. Kaleigh Dwyer               0:36:09  0:09:42     47    14/F
    3. Tori Goodell                0:39:13  0:10:31     53    16/F
    4. Jennie Goodell              0:40:20  0:10:49     54    17/F
Women 16-17
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Bella Zuroski               0:26:43  0:07:10     17     3/F
    2. Kelly Davies                0:30:12  0:08:06     33     7/F
Women 18-29
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Elizabeth Schultz           0:22:27  0:06:01      6     1/F
    2. Rosie Cooper                0:24:48  0:06:39     14     2/F
    3. Madison Steward             0:29:04  0:07:48     26     4/F
Women 30-39
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Judy Porpiglia              0:29:09  0:07:49     27     5/F
    2. Kirsten Bishop              0:29:41  0:07:58     30     6/F
    3. Joanne Aron                 0:30:39  0:08:13     34     8/F
    4. Stacey Caruso               0:31:41  0:08:30     40    12/F
    5. Meredith Wellman-Clementi   0:44:09  0:11:51     56    18/F
Women 40-49
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Anne Dolce                  0:30:50  0:08:16     36    10/F
    2. Karen Radkowski             0:34:18  0:09:12     42    13/F
    3. Judi Goerke                 0:61:47  0:16:34     57    19/F
    4. Tracy Nelson                0:61:54  0:16:36     59    20/F
Women 50-59
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Sharon Pangborn             0:30:58  0:08:18     37    11/F
    2. Nancy Hynes                 0:36:11  0:09:42     48    15/F

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Men - Age Group Results       Women - Age Groups       Overall Finish Order
Men 0-15
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Kolton Seastrum             0:27:01  0:07:15     18    15/M
    2. Brent Penhollow             0:28:21  0:07:36     22    19/M
    3. Nick Zuroski                0:28:33  0:07:39     24    21/M
    4. Austin Goerke               0:35:13  0:09:27     45    32/M
    5. Colin Green                 0:35:13  0:09:27     46    33/M
    6. Elliott Clark               0:36:56  0:09:54     49    34/M
    7. Frank Zuroski               0:37:13  0:09:59     50    35/M
    8. Patrick Nelson              0:43:48  0:11:45     55    38/M
    9. Matthew Nelson              0:61:48  0:16:35     58    39/M
Men 16-17
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Brendan Green               0:22:20  0:05:59      5     5/M
    2. Danny Green                 0:24:06  0:06:28     12    11/M
    3. Danny Rivas                 0:25:58  0:06:58     15    13/M
    4. Evan Moore                  0:28:31  0:07:39     23    20/M
    5. Worth Goodell               0:38:45  0:10:24     52    37/M
Men 18-29
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Tayler Moore                0:21:35  0:05:47      2     2/M
    2. Jeff Rozler                 0:21:45  0:05:50      3     3/M
    3. Robert Rappole              0:22:04  0:05:55      4     4/M
    4. Kevin Erickson              0:28:09  0:07:33     21    18/M
Men 30-39
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Dan Caruso                  0:23:22  0:06:16      9     8/M
    2. Steve Godfrey               0:27:39  0:07:25     20    17/M
    3. Mike Taylor-Shackleford     0:30:08  0:08:05     32    26/M
Men 40-49
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Darrin Pocza                0:20:47  0:05:34      1     1/M
    2. Tony Dolce                  0:22:33  0:06:03      7     6/M
    3. Robert Giesen               0:23:33  0:06:19     10     9/M
    4. Mark Raczka                 0:23:58  0:06:26     11    10/M
    5. Jon Marsh                   0:24:21  0:06:32     13    12/M
    6. John Zuroski                0:25:59  0:06:58     16    14/M
    7. Pat Green                   0:29:13  0:07:50     28    23/M
    8. James Lincoln               0:32:42  0:08:46     41    29/M
    9. Patrick Bielecki            0:34:32  0:09:16     43    30/M
Men 50-59
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Rob Liebers                 0:22:53  0:06:08      8     7/M
    2. Tim Goodell                 0:27:14  0:07:18     19    16/M
    3. Tim Generalovich            0:28:42  0:07:42     25    22/M
    4. Stephen Pangborn            0:29:19  0:07:52     29    24/M
    5. Richard Siegel              0:31:01  0:08:19     38    27/M
    6. Lance Boyles                0:31:01  0:08:19     39    28/M
Men 60-69
Place  Name                        Time     Pace    OvrAll   InSex
    1. Ralph Josephson             0:29:44  0:07:59     31    25/M
    2. Paul Hassal                 0:35:07  0:09:25     44    31/M
    3. Scott Sawyer                0:37:16  0:10:00     51    36/M

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