Tuscarora Nation 10K RunLewiston, NY July 14, 2007Results Data Courtesy of: Dexter Frank |
Overall Finish Order Men - Age Groups Women - Age Groups
Place Name Time Pace InGroup InSex
1. Gus Gansworth 0:42:58 0:06:55 1/M40-44 1/M
2. Steven Gates 0:44:28 0:07:09 2/M40-44 2/M
3. Fernando Pinder 0:45:00 0:07:15 1/M15-19 3/M
4. David Barrett 0:45:04 0:07:15 1/M50-54 4/M
5. Jon Bissell 0:45:23 0:07:18 2/M15-19 5/M
6. Thomas Somerville 0:47:10 0:07:35 2/M50-54 6/M
7. Patrick Roach 0:47:11 0:07:36 3/M50-54 7/M
8. Mark Gallo 0:47:13 0:07:36 1/M45-49 8/M
9. Virginia McGarry 0:47:17 0:07:37 1/F55-99 1/F
10. Howard Magel 0:47:42 0:07:41 2/M45-49 9/M
11. Nathan Tompkins 0:47:49 0:07:42 1/M20-24 10/M
12. James Hummel 0:48:09 0:07:45 3/M40-44 11/M
13. Jesus Valle 0:48:34 0:07:49 2/M20-24 12/M
14. Jacob Henry 0:49:03 0:07:54 3/M15-19 13/M
15. John McGuire 0:49:04 0:07:54 1/M55-99 14/M
16. Ed Kamela 0:49:15 0:07:56 3/M45-49 15/M
17. Susan Devlin 0:52:01 0:08:22 1/F45-49 2/F
18. Jeff Rounds 0:52:20 0:08:25 2/M55-99 16/M
19. Justin Brayley 0:52:30 0:08:27 1/M35-39 17/M
20. Bill Bly 0:52:46 0:08:30 4/M50-54 18/M
21. James Sullivan 0:53:14 0:08:34 5/M50-54 19/M
22. Stephanie Williams 0:53:54 0:08:40 1/F20-24 3/F
23. Michael Bajak 0:54:20 0:08:45 4/M45-49 20/M
24. George Pineda 0:54:39 0:08:48 4/M15-19 21/M
25. Melissa Merlin 0:54:57 0:08:51 1/F30-34 4/F
26. Cindy Kraft 0:55:02 0:08:51 1/F50-54 5/F
27. Megan Logan 0:55:57 0:09:00 2/F20-24 6/F
28. Norma Loudenslager 0:56:10 0:09:02 2/F55-99 7/F
29. Bryan Printup 0:56:29 0:09:05 1/M30-34 22/M
30. Nancy Reichert 0:56:38 0:09:07 2/F45-49 8/F
31. Sandra Hebeler 0:58:17 0:09:23 2/F50-54 9/F
32. Patrice Pinder 0:59:26 0:09:34 3/F20-24 10/F
33. Derrick Printup 1:02:54 0:10:07 1/M0-14 23/M
34. Louise Cadwalader 1:03:26 0:10:13 3/F50-54 11/F
35. Paul Hassall 1:05:13 0:10:30 3/M55-99 24/M
36. Stacey Jacobs 1:06:16 0:10:40 1/F25-29 12/F
37. Fran Rowe 1:07:29 0:10:52 3/F55-99 13/F
38. Ray Henry 1:07:31 0:10:52 6/M50-54 25/M
39. Edye Radice 1:07:59 0:10:56 4/F55-99 14/F
40. Michelle Mt. Pleasant 1:10:34 0:11:21 1/F40-44 15/F
41. George Pendergast 1:10:59 0:11:25 4/M55-99 26/M
42. Joseph Porter 1:13:59 0:11:54 1/M0-99 27/M
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Women - Age Group Results Men - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
Women 20-24
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Stephanie Williams 0:53:54 0:08:40 22 3/F
2. Megan Logan 0:55:57 0:09:00 27 6/F
3. Patrice Pinder 0:59:26 0:09:34 32 10/F
Women 25-29
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Stacey Jacobs 1:06:16 0:10:40 36 12/F
Women 30-34
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Melissa Merlin 0:54:57 0:08:51 25 4/F
Women 40-44
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Michelle Mt. Pleasant 1:10:34 0:11:21 40 15/F
Women 45-49
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Susan Devlin 0:52:01 0:08:22 17 2/F
2. Nancy Reichert 0:56:38 0:09:07 30 8/F
Women 50-54
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Cindy Kraft 0:55:02 0:08:51 26 5/F
2. Sandra Hebeler 0:58:17 0:09:23 31 9/F
3. Louise Cadwalader 1:03:26 0:10:13 34 11/F
Women 55-99
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Virginia McGarry 0:47:17 0:07:37 9 1/F
2. Norma Loudenslager 0:56:10 0:09:02 28 7/F
3. Fran Rowe 1:07:29 0:10:52 37 13/F
4. Edye Radice 1:07:59 0:10:56 39 14/F
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Men - Age Group Results Women - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
Men 0-14
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Derrick Printup 1:02:54 0:10:07 33 23/M
Men 0-99
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Joseph Porter 1:13:59 0:11:54 42 27/M
Men 15-19
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Fernando Pinder 0:45:00 0:07:15 3 3/M
2. Jon Bissell 0:45:23 0:07:18 5 5/M
3. Jacob Henry 0:49:03 0:07:54 14 13/M
4. George Pineda 0:54:39 0:08:48 24 21/M
Men 20-24
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Nathan Tompkins 0:47:49 0:07:42 11 10/M
2. Jesus Valle 0:48:34 0:07:49 13 12/M
Men 30-34
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Bryan Printup 0:56:29 0:09:05 29 22/M
Men 35-39
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Justin Brayley 0:52:30 0:08:27 19 17/M
Men 40-44
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Gus Gansworth 0:42:58 0:06:55 1 1/M
2. Steven Gates 0:44:28 0:07:09 2 2/M
3. James Hummel 0:48:09 0:07:45 12 11/M
Men 45-49
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Mark Gallo 0:47:13 0:07:36 8 8/M
2. Howard Magel 0:47:42 0:07:41 10 9/M
3. Ed Kamela 0:49:15 0:07:56 16 15/M
4. Michael Bajak 0:54:20 0:08:45 23 20/M
Men 50-54
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. David Barrett 0:45:04 0:07:15 4 4/M
2. Thomas Somerville 0:47:10 0:07:35 6 6/M
3. Patrick Roach 0:47:11 0:07:36 7 7/M
4. Bill Bly 0:52:46 0:08:30 20 18/M
5. James Sullivan 0:53:14 0:08:34 21 19/M
6. Ray Henry 1:07:31 0:10:52 38 25/M
Men 55-99
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. John McGuire 0:49:04 0:07:54 15 14/M
2. Jeff Rounds 0:52:20 0:08:25 18 16/M
3. Paul Hassall 1:05:13 0:10:30 35 24/M
4. George Pendergast 1:10:59 0:11:25 41 26/M
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