Tuscarora Indian Nation 10KLewiston, NY July 8, 2006Results Data Courtesy of: Dexter Frank |
Overall Finish Order Men - Age Groups Women - Age Groups
Place Name Time Pace InGroup InSex
1. Tom Reubens 0:33:29 0:05:23 1/M15-19 1/M
2. Dave Hess 0:35:26 0:05:42 1/M40-44 2/M
3. David Goodband 0:40:06 0:06:27 1/M35-39 3/M
4. Bill Newton 0:41:13 0:06:38 1/M25-29 4/M
5. Anthony Lee 0:42:16 0:06:48 1/M30-34 5/M
6. Gus Gansworth 0:42:21 0:06:49 2/M40-44 6/M
7. Thomas Oldshield 0:44:37 0:07:11 2/M15-19 7/M
8. Vince Mameli 0:45:06 0:07:15 1/M55-99 8/M
9. David Barrett 0:46:15 0:07:27 1/M50-54 9/M
10. Michael Kowalski 0:48:21 0:07:47 2/M50-54 10/M
11. Maurice John 0:49:05 0:07:54 1/M20-24 11/M
12. Timothy Stotz 0:49:35 0:07:59 2/M55-99 12/M
13. James Hummel 0:51:13 0:08:15 3/M40-44 13/M
14. Susan Devlin 0:51:14 0:08:15 1/F45-49 1/F
15. Richard Anderson 0:51:28 0:08:17 2/M30-34 14/M
16. Brian Dunstan 0:52:14 0:08:24 3/M50-54 15/M
17. Wayne Reichert 0:54:19 0:08:44 1/M45-49 16/M
18. Bryan Printup 0:55:35 0:08:57 2/M25-29 17/M
19. Mathew Larrabee 0:56:32 0:09:06 2/M20-24 18/M
20. Nancy Reichert 0:57:08 0:09:12 1/F40-44 2/F
21. Robert Simington 0:57:15 0:09:13 2/M45-49 19/M
22. Ellie Joseph 0:58:54 0:09:29 1/F50-54 3/F
23. Stacey Jacobs 1:02:00 0:09:59 1/F25-29 4/F
24. Kirk Jacobs 1:02:01 0:09:59 3/M30-34 20/M
25. Wehonna Toth 1:03:00 0:10:08 1/F0-14 5/F
26. Ralph Fitzgerald 1:04:18 0:10:21 3/M20-24 21/M
27. Joseph Woodbury 1:04:18 0:10:21 4/M20-24 22/M
28. Fran Rowe 1:05:09 0:10:29 1/F55-99 6/F
29. Nancy Toth 1:06:30 0:10:42 2/F50-54 7/F
30. Brenda Mitten 1:13:09 0:11:46 3/F50-54 8/F
31. Reva Bomberry 1:13:09 0:11:46 2/F45-49 9/F
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Women - Age Group Results Men - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
Women 0-14
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Wehonna Toth 1:03:00 0:10:08 25 5/F
Women 25-29
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Stacey Jacobs 1:02:00 0:09:59 23 4/F
Women 40-44
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Nancy Reichert 0:57:08 0:09:12 20 2/F
Women 45-49
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Susan Devlin 0:51:14 0:08:15 14 1/F
2. Reva Bomberry 1:13:09 0:11:46 31 9/F
Women 50-54
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Ellie Joseph 0:58:54 0:09:29 22 3/F
2. Nancy Toth 1:06:30 0:10:42 29 7/F
3. Brenda Mitten 1:13:09 0:11:46 30 8/F
Women 55-99
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Fran Rowe 1:05:09 0:10:29 28 6/F
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Men - Age Group Results Women - Age Groups Overall Finish Order
Men 15-19
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Tom Reubens 0:33:29 0:05:23 1 1/M
2. Thomas Oldshield 0:44:37 0:07:11 7 7/M
Men 20-24
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Maurice John 0:49:05 0:07:54 11 11/M
2. Mathew Larrabee 0:56:32 0:09:06 19 18/M
3. Ralph Fitzgerald 1:04:18 0:10:21 26 21/M
4. Joseph Woodbury 1:04:18 0:10:21 27 22/M
Men 25-29
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Bill Newton 0:41:13 0:06:38 4 4/M
2. Bryan Printup 0:55:35 0:08:57 18 17/M
Men 30-34
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Anthony Lee 0:42:16 0:06:48 5 5/M
2. Richard Anderson 0:51:28 0:08:17 15 14/M
3. Kirk Jacobs 1:02:01 0:09:59 24 20/M
Men 35-39
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. David Goodband 0:40:06 0:06:27 3 3/M
Men 40-44
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Dave Hess 0:35:26 0:05:42 2 2/M
2. Gus Gansworth 0:42:21 0:06:49 6 6/M
3. James Hummel 0:51:13 0:08:15 13 13/M
Men 45-49
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Wayne Reichert 0:54:19 0:08:44 17 16/M
2. Robert Simington 0:57:15 0:09:13 21 19/M
Men 50-54
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. David Barrett 0:46:15 0:07:27 9 9/M
2. Michael Kowalski 0:48:21 0:07:47 10 10/M
3. Brian Dunstan 0:52:14 0:08:24 16 15/M
Men 55-99
Place Name Time Pace OvrAll InSex
1. Vince Mameli 0:45:06 0:07:15 8 8/M
2. Timothy Stotz 0:49:35 0:07:59 12 12/M
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