BuffaloRunners.com Century Awards Event Honors Local Runners

Lot's of Pizza and Awards, But Small Turnout

ORCHARD PARK - February 25, 2022 -

The Awards Ceremony for the 2022 BuffaloRunners.com Century Awards was held on Saturday at the Runners Roost in Orchard Park. This year's event combined recognition of the Century Award Winners with recognition of the "Buffalo Runner of the Year Series" Overall and Age Group winners. Tons of hot pizza and cold drink was on hand.

Click for 2022 Century and ROY Awards Lists

The turnout was lighter than in prior years. Webmaster Jeff John asserted that it was mostly his fault. "I did not publicize the event aggressively this year and although we're getting back to normal, the Covid pandemic is still with us. Folks wisely tend to avoid indoor gatherings."

A great time was had by the runners who attended the joyful annual get together. But, thousands of dollars worth of awards went unclaimed. All the unclaimed prestigious Century Awards and the highly coveted Runner of the Year Series awards will be available for pickup at the Runners Roost in Orchard Park during their normal business hours.

The 2022 Runner of the Year and Century Awards