2023 Buffalo Runner of the Year
Series Schedule Announced

Some Exciting Changes:

1. Two More Event Dates Added
2. Earlier Series Start Date
3. A Formerly Included Distance Returns To The Lineup

By JEFF JOHN on behalf of the Buffalo Runner of the Year Committee.

BUFFALO, (January 20, 2023) - BuffaloRunners.com has posted the new lineup for the 2023 Buffalo Runner of the Year road racing series. There are some exciting changes. The most significant are:

The Series will commence with the Lockport Y-10 on February 11. This race has actually been the unofficial start of the season for many of our most serious WNY road runners for each of the past 51 years!

It is a very well organized 10 mile road race with a stellar organizational track record. We welcome the Y-10 to the Runner of the Year Series - it's an honor long overdue for this outstanding event which boasts a scenic and challenging USATF certified course and unpredictable road conditions in the middle of the WNY winter.

We also welcome back to the Series the Buffalo Marathon. The Series needs a marathon and the Buffalo Marathon is now a world class event. It was part of the series years ago, but this year there's an opportunity for strategic planning. The runners now may choose either Buffalo's full or half marathon. They run concurrently. You can only run and score in one, but either one will count toward the Buffalo Runner of the Year Series.

There may need to be changes - some of the selected races have yet to publically commit to their 2023 run dates. We are always open to your suggestions for possible changes to the Series or additions to the lineup.

In total, we have 14 events in the 2023 Series, the most ever.

There will be awards. Currently, we have not solicited sponsors, but we will have awards for the overall male and female Runners of the Year. We will also provide awards for all the Age Group winners, male and female. If you or your organization would be interested in being a sponsor, we welcome your support.

The Series will get underway on February 11. You can keep track of the Series progress here: http://buffalorunners.com/roy.ASP